First DAPs Photo Adventure at Disneyland has Country Twang

This last Sunday I met up with a few people from the interwebs (mainly twitter) to go on a photo adventure. What’s a photo adventure you ask? The basic concept is we meet up in the park to take pictures of a certain theme at a certain place for certain amount of time. It sounds pretty certain, huh? Other than the time, theme, and place, there is nothing certain about this adventure!

On Sunday our theme for the week was #COUNTRY. We decided it would be fun to explore this theme by going on a cruise aboard the Mark Twain. The goal is to be creative, artsy, and see things from a new perspective while we go on these photo adventures. Then, people who go can post them on twitter, instagram, or tumblr (with the hashtag #DAPsPhotos and whatever theme we use) and we’ll share them on our Geeks Corner blog.

So… let’s get to it and take a look at this week’s photos:


I hope you enjoyed this first #DAPsPhotos adventure. Please keep your eye on @mrdaps on twitter for future Photo Adventures!

Make it a GREAT day!