Diane Disney Miller: Through the Eyes of a Photographer

Diane Disney Miller (December 18, 1933-November 19, 2013)

Yesterday the Disney community reeled as the news of Diane Disney Miller’s death spread. Diane Disney Miller, the daughter of Walt Disney, was a person known for her kindness, her dedication to the arts, and her dedication to her father’s legacy.

Diane Disney Miller walks in Walt’s footsteps during Disneyland’s 50th Anniversary

To remember her legacy, we thought we would share a few special photos with you. Frank Anzalone has taken pictures of many Disney events through the years and has had the privilege of getting to take pictures of Diane Disney Miller on multiple occasions. These pictures include photos from “Behind the Magic – 50 years of Disneyland” at the Oakland Museum, the 50th anniversary celebration of Disneyland, and the opening of the Walt Disney Family Museum.  Many of these pictures Frank had the opportunity to give to Diane Disney Miller and she particularly liked the one where she was “walking in dad’s footsteps.” Frank shared that she was “a very gracious woman” and finished sharing these photos with me saying that he is  “Sorry that she is gone – glad that she was here…”

“Sorry that she is gone – glad that she was here…”

This statement seems to sum up the feelings of so many Disney cast members and fans around the globe who knew and loved her… even if they had never met her before. She was a force for good and her legacy will reflect the good she brought to the world. Her work with the Walt Disney Family Museum will continue to make a connection between Disney enthusiasts the original Disney family. The Walt Disney Family Museum tells Walt Disney’s story in an incredibly personal and in-depth way. This museum was a labor of love by Diane Disney Miller and though it is a tribute to her father, it is a living memorial to her love and dedication to him.

The Loss of a Beloved Icon

As the Disney community feels the loss of Diane Disney Miller, it is interesting to watch as people share their experiences meeting Diane Disney Miller at different events. As these memories are shared, it is interesting to note that most of them involve meeting her just once. Yet, the moment has left memories that lived on. Diane Disney Miller was her father’s daughter through and through. She was someone people remembered meeting and treasured meeting. She now moves on to live with many other members who have moved on before, and those who are left behind feel that loss. It is the sadness of knowing that a great person is no longer just around the corner. Or in this case, the loss of knowing she just might be at the Walt Disney Family Museum during the next visit.

Diane Disney Miller’s death is the death of a family member. She was, and is, loved. She will be missed. She will not be forgotten. Thank you for making and preserving memories Diane Disney Miller.

A big thanks goes out to Frank Anzalone for sharing his photos of and thoughts about Diane Disney Miller. Check out Frank’s facebook page at: http://www.facebook.com/AnzalonePhotography