"Frozen" Sequel May Soon Be Coming Our Way?

article-2640043-1E27B43B00000578-734_634x567With Disney’s “Frozen” only being out for a full year as of this Thanksgiving, there are already rumors flying around of a sequel. That’s right, more “Frozen” action might be coming our way at some point.

According to recent interview with Idina Menzel by Telegraph Online, she hinted towards the upcoming film. When asked about a sequel and musical productions, she replied with, “That they’re all in the works.”

As for the stage production, she motioned that most likely she will not be a part of it, but as for the film, “I’m just going along for the ride.” Being the voice of Elsa, it would make perfect sense for her to come back and join the cast once again for the sequel.

I guess all we can do is wait and see what is to come of “Frozen.”

What is your opinion of a sequel? Has the “Frozen” hype thawed out for you?