Autopia Car - D23 Expo - The Walt Disney Hometown Museum

Interview with Peter Whitehead, the Creative Director of the Walt Disney Hometown Museum at the D23 Expo

Autopia Car - D23 Expo - The Walt Disney Hometown Museum
Autopia Car – D23 Expo – The Walt Disney Hometown Museum

Marceline, Missouri is the town that Walt Disney considered home. Take a walk down Main Street, USA at Disneyland and you see the recreation of Marceline’s downtown in Walt Disney’s idealized form.

Walt Disney always continued to have a connection with Marceline and returned throughout his life and also made some donations to the town. This led eventually to the creation of the Walt Disney Hometown Museum.

Peter Whitehead is the creative director of the Walt Disney Hometown Museum. The museum is currently working on a kickstarter to bring back autopia to Marceline. In this interview Whitehead shares not only about the getting the Autopia cars up and running by the 4th of July 2016, but also about some of the history of the museum and Walt Disney’s connection with this charming town in Missouri.

“To complete the Disney story, you have to come to the museum in Marceline and experience what it’s like to grow up in 1900’s on the farm in Missouri.” Whitehead concludes this interview by saying. The Walt Disney Hometown Museum does complete (or starts) that story that includes Disneyland, Walt Disney World, The Walt Disney Family Museum, the Laugh-O-Gram Studios, and of course the home where Walt Disney was born.

Have you visited the Walt Disney Hometown Museum? Where else from Walt Disney’s story have you visited?