Disneyland Premium Experience – What Would You Want?

Disneyland and even Walt Disney World has offered unique guest experiences….for a price.  Recently, the Jungle Cruise Sunrise Safari Breakfast lets people have the thrill of getting a morning meal within an attraction and to skipper one of the boats.  While this may not be everyone’s cup of tea (or cup of coffee since it’s breakfast?), and with the steep price to pay, what other experiences would be worth the price, or even worth the time going to?

For me, I’d want to have a dessert party in the graveyard of the Haunted Mansion, and after get to walk through while stopping to get some fun photos.  Think of posing as the hitchhiking ghosts in that alJungle Cruise Sunrise Safari Breakfast-33cove.

Another that I would like to do is a dinner cruise on the Mark Twain.  I’ve been on a couple real river dinner cruises, and it’s always fun to have the food, band, and social party atmosphere.  A couple hours on the Rivers of America with characters, food, music, and ambiance would be worth the night.  Although, I don’t know if I would pay the $300 of the Jungle Cruise breakfast for it.

So, what would your dream experience be?  Let’s give one parameter: If you had the $300 per person, what would you want to do that’s worth that price?  Comment below and let us know!