Sherlock Special

Victorian Era Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Appear in New Sherlock Special Trailer

Sherlock SpecialSherlock is coming back, but not as we have become accustomed to seeing him. The world’s most famous consulting detective is returning to his roots when the popular BBC program returns. This single special takes Sherlock Holmes and John Watson out of the present and puts them into the past where they seek to solve a Victorian era case. How this is done remains to be seen. Is it a flashback? Is it a framed story that Sherlock is telling? Who knows. What we do know is that a trailer has been released for this special and it is intriguing.

The Sherlock Special: New Trailer

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The stage is set, the curtain rises, we are ready to begin! The Sherlock Special, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, will be coming soon to MASTERPIECE on PBS. #221Back #SherlockPBS

So what do you think?

While this isn’t an entire season, I’m always looking forward to anything Sherlock that comes from the BBC. Well, I should amend that. I look forward to anything Sherlock that comes from this production team. Yes, I have read all the Sherlock Holmes books (originals) and seen many of the movies and tv productions but… this is currently my favorite. I’m very much looking forward to seeing how they take the current Sherlock series and put it back into the era where the stories originated. So far, I’m liking what I’m seeing and I can’t wait to see what exactly this mystery is and how it is solved. Personally, I’d love to see a recreation of an original story. I’m not sure exactly what that story would be off the top of my head but time will tell.

What did you think of this trailer? Are you looking forward to the Sherlock special?

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  • Mr. DAPs

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