First Look: Zootopia Sneak Peek at California Adventure

IMG_2586Disney California Adventure’s Bug’s Life Theater is housing a sneak peek of Zootopia – the new Disney animated feature that will premier in March.

The theater was decked out in the usual preview way.  Banners are adorning the light poles.  A sign with sculpted Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde are on the sign beckoning guests to go and preview the scenes from the film.

The sneak peek is in 3D with in theater effects.  The seats have some effects of things poking at you and drops when appropriate.  Fog and lights are along the top and walls to enhance the scenes.

The preview itself introduces us to Hopps and how she became a cop.  From there it takes us into quick clips of the rest of the film without giving away too much.  My reaction to Zootopia itself was that it has all the grandeur of being a real metropolis.  There is so much detail that I wanted to visit there.  Even the animal extras are so well done it feels like a fantasy place that you could visit in a theme park.

I’m looking forward to the movie and the preview helped with that.  It has some great comedy and action that will make it a fun film.  And, this preview had wonderful effects that made it an attraction to enjoy as well.

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