Disney Developing Live-Action Peter Pan

Peter Pan: Walt Disney Signature Collection – Home Entertainment Review by DC Sarah

In “Peter Pan,” fantastic adventures await the Darling children—Wendy, John and Michael—when Peter Pan, the hero of their stories, whisks them away to the magical world of Never Land.  After flying with Peter and the delightfully impish Tinker Bell past the “second star to the right and straight on till morning,” they explore the enchanted island and Peter’s secret hideout with the Lost Boys, and leap into high-flying battles with swashbuckling pirates and the infamous villain Captain Hook.

What is the Walt Disney Signature Collection?

Marking it’s 65th Anniversary, Peter Pan is the seventh title to join the Walt Disney Signature Collection, which includes groundbreaking films created or inspired by the imagination and legacy of Walt Disney. The film takes its place alongside “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Pinocchio,” “Bambi,” “The Lion King” and “Lady and the Tramp.”


The quality of the Walt Disney Signature Collection is about the same as its previous Blu-ray release. However, the picture quality and audio is still quite good. Even on today’s HD tvs, the movie looks and sounds fantastic.

Bonus Features

The Walt Disney Signature Collection version of Peter Pan has a TON of bonus features. A fair amount of them were released on the previous Blu-Ray release but there are some that are unique to this release. The new extras are:

  • Stories from Walt’s Office: Walt & Flight – “Think of the happiest things, it’s the same as having wings”. One thing you’ll notice inside Walt Disney’s office are all of the models and pictures of airplanes. Walt loved planes and was an aficionado of flying. As a continuation of the “Stories from Walt’s Office” series, we’ll soar into the world of one of Walt’s favorite pastimes and look at the history behind the company airplane he used to scout Central Florida looking for the perfect place to build his second theme park.
  • A “Darling” Conversation with Wendy & John: Kathryn Beaumont and Paul Collins – Join Disney Legend Kathryn Beaumont (the voice of Wendy) and Paul Collins (the voice of John) as they reunite for the first time in many years to reminisce and discuss their experiences working on Peter Pan, meeting Walt Disney and learning to fly … literally.
  • You Can Fly” – A new “Oke” rendition and graphic look of the classic Disney song, “You Can Fly,” with fun lyrics on screen and lots of your favorite “Peter Pan” characters.
  • “Never Smile at a Crocodile” – A new “Oke” rendition and graphic look of the deleted song, “Never Smile at a Crocodile”, with fun lyrics on screen and highlighting the relationship between Captain Hook and Tick- Tock the Crocodile.

Anytime there is a bonus feature that has anything to do with Walt himself I am a happy camper. However, the other great new bonus feature is the conversation with Kathryn Beaumont and Paul Collins. In the Legacy/Classic Bonus Features, I really enjoyed the featurette about Tinker Bell.

* Digital bonus offerings may vary by retailer.

Final Thoughts

Peter Pan is one of my all time favorite Disney films. I may be biased but I will always want the newest version available. I would definitely say that this and all of the Walt Disney Signature Collection releases are definitely worth adding to your collection. Be sure to visit 2geekswhoeat.com for a fun Peter Pan inspired recipe and a chance to win a free digital copy! Disney Developing Live-Action Peter Pan

DC Sarah received a complimentary product or experience to facilitate the creation of a recipe on Geeks Who Eat. DAPs Magic did not receive any complimentary products. It did not influence the opinions of the author. Opinions are wholly the views of the author. View the DAPs Magic Disclosure Policy for more info. Link for Disclosure Policy can be found at the bottom of this page.