May the 4th Be With You - Mr. DAPs at Star Wars Celebration

May the 4th Be With You!

May the 4th Be With You!

May the 4th Be With You - Mr. DAPs at Star Wars Celebration
May the 4th Be With You – Mr. DAPs at Star Wars Celebration

Today is a special day for Star Wars fans. This Star Wars “holiday” is both fun and a bit silly. This year, the 4th seems even more special as we have a lot too look forward to in the Star Wars universe. We have a new season of Star Wars Rebels to look forward to. New books are on the way. Oh yea, and there is that movie thing that will be kind of a big deal. In fact, there will be not only a big movie but a big trilogy with some Anthology movies thrown in for extra measure. And more movies means more soundtracks…which will be AWESOME!  Personally, I want to absorb and experience as many of these as I possibly can (if you want to send me review copies of the books, I’d be in heaven!).

As I look forward to these new Star Wars offerings, I take a moment and think back through the years of some of my favorite Star Wars moments.  I have been a Star Wars fan all of my life. I can remember playing with action figures before I even knew what the movies were. My first time watching the original trilogy was on VHS. I was immediately hooked. Those VHS tapes were watched over and over and over and over again. Then in the late 90’s, the movies were re-released on the big screen and it was incredible. Let’s face it, these movies really are best seen in a theater with a big screen, awesome sound, and other fans. The prequels came along and I purchased every soundtrack before the movie was out (also those awesome extended ones from the originals too) and was always waiting in line opening night to see whatever the newest movie was. I didn’t wear the costumes or anything but I definitely enjoyed being around them.

As time went on, other fun things started to happen in life. I started this little site called DAPs Magic that led to some fun Star Wars experiences. While we started out covering strictly Disney stories, I always had a love for some geek stuff so decided a blog (and later webshow) needed to be started to cover the geek stuff on the side. Thus, Geeks Corner was born. Even despite Geeks Corner,  Disney also had a connection with Lucasfilm that led to Star Wars memory that was made. It was the re-opening of Star Tours! Let’s face it, for any fan, this has always been a favorite attraction. This has to be one of my favorite events period, that I’ve covered. It was a lot of fun and you can watch it here:

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Another fun geek out moment was getting to see R2-D2 rolling around Tomorrowland at Disneyland back in 2011. I had never seen a real life droid before and this was incredible. In fact, you can see it here:

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As time has gone by, the Star Wars universe has continued to grow and it now appears to be at a place where it is actually thriving. The future looks very vibrant and exciting for fans and Star Wars Celebration just added fuel to that fire for me and many other fans. Two moments really popped out for me there. One was the reveal of the second trailer and the fan reaction. The second, see BB-8 coming out on stage as a real droid! There were other incredible moments as well but those two really stand out as I’m writing this blog.

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It is a great time to be a Star Wars fan. I know I’ve said it before and I know I’ll say it again. But it’s true and I’m excited about it! Aren’t you? What are you most excited about for the future of Star Wars?

Make it a GREAT day and…

May the 4th Be With You…. Always.

  • Mr. DAPs
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