DAPs Magic is on Apple News!

Find DAPs Magic on Apple News!

DAPs Magic is on Apple News!
DAPs Magic is on Apple News!

Those with Apple devices might have noticed some changes and new apps on their home screen after updating to iOS 9. One of these enhancements is a News app that can be found on devices  utilizing iOS 9. I am pleased to announce that if you search DAPs Magic in the News app you can now get our daily Disney news delivered right to your phone. If you are reading this from an iPhone or iPad with iOS 9 you can click on this link to go to the DAPs Magic Apple News page: DAPs Magic

We hope this will be a valuable tool for you as you digest your daily Disney news. Please feel free to share this information with any friend you have that has a device with iOS 9.  We have a lot of exciting new things that we are developing for DAPs Magic and this is a great way not to miss our current and future coverage!

Make it a GREAT day!

  • Mr. DAPs