How Does Daredevil’s Second Season Compare To The First?

Daredevil’s second season has been out for almost a week, and it’s time to size it up to the first run.

The first season of Daredevil was spectacular.  It knocked the socks off of many other comic book shows, and maybe even some of the Marvel movies.  It paved the way for the future Netflix Marvel shows.  So, can it repeat the success of its first?

Where the first story compared Wilson Fisk to Matt Murdoch in order to bring about the origin of Kingpin and Daredevil, this season does a different comparison.  Daredevil is the hero of Hell’s Kitchen, and the cops don’t know what to make of him.  There’s someone new in town, nicknamed the Punisher, who is gunning down organized crime.  The comparison is now about how the Punisher handles things versus Daredevil.  Where this could take all season to make its way through, most of it lasts the first few episodes, thankfully.

3021522-the-punisher-daredevil-season-2-featuredThe other elements that make up this season are Matt Murdoch’s complications with friends and business.  Nelson and Murdoch, the attorney firm, is not making money.  There also seems to be something going on between secretary Karen and Matt.  Daredevil interferes with it all.  But, Matt is compelled to keep being Daredevil every single night to keep people safe.  Then, Elektra pops up in the middle of a big case.  Who’s Elektra?  A past flame of Matt’s.  His life is very complicated.

But, does this make for a good season?

Before I get to a conclusive recommendation, I want to point out the mature nature of the tv show, and all the other Netflix Marvel shows.  It’s not for kids.  There’s some language and violence, and some adult situations.  So, here’s a warning not just to kids, but also anyone else that has a hard time handling some of these elements.

So…how is this season?  I think it’s great!  With such a great first season it could be a very disappointing second season, but not the case with this show.  There are still great action scenes, and even one that is a sequel to an infamous hallway scene in the season one.  The Punisher is a great character.  He’s got complexity, and especially in the form of being a villain and hero.

The cast is still perfect.  Returning are Charlie Cox, Deborah Ann Woll, and Elden Henson.  Jon Bernthal is the Punisher and Elodie Yung comes in as Elektra.  I don’t want to spoil plot points, but there are more of daredevil-season-2-elektra-preview-posterthe cast that does top notch performances.

Aside from a good story and great cast is the tone and style of this season.  It’s different than the first.  Not bad, but there’s a slight tone shift.  It doesn’t feel as dark as before.  Daredevil as a vigilante has some humor to him.  Though there’s still quite a bit of violence, it’s a little easier to take than before.  At least there’s not as shocking of scenes in the first few episodes (I’ll admit I’ve only seen the first 5).

For how much I’ve seen, it’s been binge-worthy.  I’ve been trying to pace myself knowing it’ll be a while before the next comes out.  If you’re a fan of the first season, it’ll be worth getting into again.  If you are hankering for some more Marvel super heroes before the next movie comes out, this is something that’ll satisfy that craving.  Even if you didn’t see the previous season, now’s a time to jump into the show.  Daredevil is a hit show and one of the best on television.  Watch the full season on Netflix now!