New Disneyland Resort Hotel and Parking - Disney Reporter

New Disneyland Resort Hotel and Parking – Disney Reporter

The Disneyland Resort recently announced that the East gate project was no longer. Instead new parking and a new hotel will be coming to the West side of the Disneyland Resort. This not only changes the guest flow around the Disneyland Resort. It also will dramatically change Downtown Disney as many businesses will be replaced by the footprint of the new hotel. Mr. DAPs is joined this week on Disney REPORTER by Caitie and Caitlyn as they talk about this news and the implications that accompanies it. Watch this week’s episode of Disney REPORTER (formerly Great Moments with Mr. DAPs) here:

New Disneyland Hotel & Parking – Disney REPORTER
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Make it a great week! We’ll see you with the Disney and geek news highlights next week on Disney REPORTER! What do you think of these announcements? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.