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Disney Adds Two New People to Board of Directors

The Disney board has nominated two new people to join its ranks. Oracle CEO Safra Catz and Francis deSouza, president and CEO of biotechnology firm Illumina Inc. will be joining the board on February 1st.

Catz said in a statement to the Los Angeles Time that she looks forward to working with the board in continuing its rich legacy of rich innovation.

At this time Disney has not announced if these two board members will be replacing any current members. The Disney board of directors currently has 12 members. The new board members have not had committee assignments announced at this point either.

The appointment of these two new directors comes at a time when Disney is said to be actively negotiating with Fox over a large portion of its media businesses. This potential change could also change Bob Iger’s plans to retire in 2019. At this point, no official announcements have been made on this matter from Disney or Fox.