
Disneyland Testing Mobile-Only Ordering at Tiki Juice Bar Later this Month

If you’ve walked into Adventureland, you’ve seen the long line for Dole Whips! Especially on a hot day, guests are willing to wait in a long line for pineapple soft serve and floats. All of that will be changing at the end of the month! For a few days, Disneyland will be testing out mobile-only ordering at Adventureland’s Tiki Juice Bar.

The test will take place from March 28-30 and during this time, guests will not be able to simply walk up and order one of their favorite tropical treats. To place an order for this summer favorite, you must go onto the app and select what you want from the Tiki Juice Bar! It will be interesting to see how this test affects the resort, as we are sure to see one of the busiest summers yet! With the opening of Galaxy’s Edge only two months away, we are sure to see crowds packing into Anaheim’s park. Mobile-only ordering may be a way to keep crowds from taking up walkway space!

Of course, during the test, if guests want to grab a soft serve treat, they can head next door to the Tropical Hideaway! Not only are there pineapple treats, but there are raspberry and orange whips! For guests who don’t have the app or who don’t want to mobile order, this is the perfect option! Check out our video from when we ate EVERYTHING at our favorite tropical eatery!

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What do you think of mobile-only ordering possible coming to the Disneyland Resort? Connect with us on Twitter and Facebook to let us know what you think!