Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man Returns Home to the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Spider-Man is back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Disney and Sony Pictures made the announcement on Friday morning that they had reached a deal for a third Spider-Man film. Together they will make the third Spider-Man movie with Tom Holland in the title role.

The deal was signed late Thursday night. With it, Kevin Feige will again be helping produce the next film.

“I am thrilled that Spidey’s journey in the MCU will continue, and I and all of us at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it,” Feige said. “Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe. He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse you never know what surprises the future might hold.”

This news comes after it seemed that the partnership between Disney and Sony had ended. For many fans, it looked like Spider-Man would be going off in his own direction apart from the MCU after the deal broke down. With the additional news that Kevin Feige is working on a Star Wars movie, things did not look hopeful for the return of Spider-Man to the MCU.

Official details of the deal have not been released. Insiders are however telling reporters that it is believed that there is now 25% or profit being shared with Disney in return for Feige’s production prowess. Disney will also put up around 25% of the financing. Disney continues to retain its merchandising rights. Spider-Man will also appear in one Marvel Studios film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The film this deal revolves around will be released on July 16, 2021. What do you think about the return of Spider-Man to the MCU?